A quick and simple way to find the hidden discounts and offers from Amazon.co.uk and ebay.co.uk
Use the tabs above to select the retailer, then simply pick a category
Give it a try and see what you can find.
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There is the price range. Enter an amount or leave at zero for any price.
Sort results by price, bestselling or rating.
Delivery options, Free, prime or all (default).
Sort by the customer star rating.
Amazon has a vast range of items, so you need to narrow it down to a broad category i.e. Furniture, or even better a sub category i.e. Sofas & Suites. This will give a manageable number of results. You can narrow the number further on the results page.
Discount, doesn't always mean cheapest or the best deal.
The results include Third Party retailers (Market Place), which can be cheaper, but then add delivery charges. Try using the free delivery option, which will help remove the choice if it's an issue.
If the discount range is too high and there are no items available, you may not find anything and the results will return a general selection of discounted items.
hiddendiscounts has a simple solution to find the 99p, ending soon, no bid, local hidden bargains on ebay.co.uk with a easy to use selection header. It also includes an ever growing content of additional information on items and sources of reference material. Use it for your own fun or as a tool to buy and sell items through other methods such as car boot and other websites, or even relist with better timing, description or after repair or enhancement.
Either enter the specific item term you are looking for in the search box or select a broad category or sub category.
On the next page you will be presented with all the ebay items for 99p or less and a range of options
You can increase the price limit, enter your postcode and a distance to the seller, display the results in different ways and other options.
We have handy tips on finding the best deal on ebay.co.uk and links to other sources of information and sales (this can be expanded, closed or perminently hidden)
Scroll down the items available and if you wish open the ebay page in a new window.
"Buying Tips" for items including links to reference sites, Gumtree and Google (This feature can be hidden - Click here to hide tips)